Face to Face Combined Boat and Jet Ski License Course

Description: Boat (Recreational Marine Driver’s License) and Jet Ski License Course (Personal Water Craft License)
Venue: Gold Coast Marine Training
Runaway Bay Marina
Suite 15, Level 2, 247 Bayview Ave
Hollywell, Qld 4216
Price: $220.00
Date(s): [Times]

Monday to Friday Bookings Only

If you would like to complete both your Boat License course and Jet ski License course in one day we offer an intensive course on selected days from 8.30am – 5 pm.

The day will include theory lessons and assessments that will take place in our comfortable classroom at Runaway Bay Marina. A practical component will also be completed on our vessel, 570 BRIG Navigator and Yamaha VX110 where you will be able to learn, practice and demonstrate your knowledge and your boat and ski handling skills on the water . Make sure you bring a hat, sun cream and a jumper or wet weather jacket in case it gets cool out on the water, some suitable clothes for the ski and some dry clothes for after just in case.

Please call 0487 895 683 for prices for large groups over 4 persons.